
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How to get started programming

I get asked this a lot: how did you learn to program games/applications? Well the answer isn't so simple, it took years of self education (one of the slowest ways to learn something!) But if you're willing to learn, you can figure it out just like anything else.

 The easiest way to learn is choose a language, then start dissecting tutorials and examples. When I say dissecting, I mean to find out what each line of code accomplishes. Then begin to alter the code you know, and change the examples. After a few tries, you can start hacking together basic programs of your own by copy and pasting codes.

It's not an exact science, so don't expect to fully learn a language within a short time period. Whatever you do, don't start with a impossible project. You will not create the next big MMORPG alone with two weeks of programming ability.

There is one good thing though: Once you learn a language, it becomes very easy to learn others. Learning multiple programming languages is similar to learning Italian from a Spanish background. It's quite similar, but with a few differences.

All this being said, the internet and books are your friend. Specifically the internet. You can find an endless supply of examples, tutorials, and references at your fingertips. I also suggest joining an online forum/community specific to your programming language. Some questions are simply too hard to answer through Google.

Good luck!

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