
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Symphony of Eternity | Latest Android Games

Symphony of Eternity is a game created by Nemco and a it's a blast when it was released. A reminder of the good old days when, instead of being drenched by fear and melodrama, Symphony of Eternity is a Japanese role-playing games were known for their charm. Dressed like a classic 16-bit, the game takes its cue from Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy series, then add the touch screen functionality and a cast of sympathetic, familiar characters. She will never win awards for originality, but not what you're looking for.

Symphony of Eternity is divided between exploration and combat, but unlike other examples of the genre, fighting in the Symphony of Eternity is not accidental. The creatures were shown on the map, allowing players to sneak trick them, or avoid conflict altogether if you cut health. The battles in turn are controlled by a single in the bottom screen, which lets you choose the attacks, potions, and special positions that are used to fight your enemies.It's a nice, simple system that works extremely well. There are a lot of character of micro-management is also under the surface.

Tablet-based class allows each of your adventurers to learn new skills and roles, and points to level up when you can have different properties. The progression feels natural and rounded, and levels of difficulty are handled with care. As the game goes, your characters are individuals, which inevitably leads you to worry about even more. To top it off, add graphics and sound to the nostalgic atmosphere. Symphony of Eternity is not afraid to use his influence on his sleeve, and the experience is much stronger for it.
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